Wednesday, 29 May 2013

This is WHY

Assalamualaikum. How are you today? Me as well Now tengah enjoy teamix kat tesco cheras sambil tunggu laptop ni siap di repair. So heaven layan teamix ni :) Hewww~ banyak ragamnye lah laptop ni ha. But its ok, you going be fine later on :') Say yeayyy,! 

Tadi sambil repair laptop sambil cerita itu ini. Tetiba terfikir kan satu benda. Why i'm so in love with herbalife and after 2 years, never thinking of jump to others company or quit of doing herbalife. What actually make me stay this strong?

Reflact back pass 2 years, how i start, its seriously co-incident (senyum sambil tarik nafas dalam-dalam) . Semua mula bila my sponsor Fatin Najwa propose me untuk lose weight. Yes, admit yang masa tu tgh so happy in love, berat naik mendadak sebab heavenly makan itu ini, tapi angan2 melangit tinggi nak kurus cantik menarik kau debomm bomm kan. Tapi makan x igt dunia. T_T.  Sampai parents susah hati sbb dorang tgk semua baju dah mula ketat, jd huduh sgt nk dreeps up ape2, so anything je bab lose weight, they going to ask me to try. MACAM MACAM DAN ALMOST SEMUA product kt pasaran pernah try, tp semua hampa! Then, sbbkan si fatin ni kepochi kt FB dia coach bestfriend die jd kurus, saiz seluar mengecik, jd cm curios gile nk tahu. So then, dgn sgt skeptikalnya tanya, bla bla bla itu ini, akhirnya kalah and terus start je the program. ( masa ni berlagak xnk guna product bajet boleh diet sndri) .


 Finally, bodo bodo ikut je ape yg si fatin ni bebelkan, terturun 13kg in 2 month, fatin invite ke 1 herbalife customer day kt Herbalife HQ. First time ever jumpa fatin, and arrived kt herbalife hq tu ha, rase nak nges! Haha. Mcm2 jadi. But on that day, i got nothing except, Herbalife is so big, and i can my beauty n healthy with herbalife. Tu je yang aku paham dalam banyak2 yang speaker2 tu cerita. 

And still no bisnes minded. Just nak LOSE WEIGHT and jadi CANTIK and SIHAT. Tu je. So balik tu, continue consume herbalife dengan lebih confident (sebab dah faham amende yang duk teguk hari2 ni ha, dats why customer day tu penting, not for us,but for you all customer outside there utk dpt input, trust nobody, seeing n beliving) And because of product result, masa ni dah shapping serious byk gile, member start tanya. And from that je ter'start bussiness kecil kecilan. (ewah) Masa ni fikir nk collect point to get highest discount untuk dapat makan free je. Sbb nak sangat bg kat parents tapi xde duit :'( So finally after all the hardwork, archive that dream. And dari situ la bermula carrier as herbalifer.

Day by days, training by trainings, the mission more clear for me. Paling bagi impact is Spectacular and Extravaganza 2012, masa tu memang nmpak biggest picture in Herbalife .Its like what im looking for untuk hidup ni ada dalam herbalife. So next month we are going to Extravaganza kt Bangkok, lets go together and tgk sendiri biggest picture bout herbalife. And you gonna get something for life. Tak salah untuk tengok kan :)

And rite now,i start realize a few thing.

1 ) herbalife give healthy and beauty 

there was no others company that can give this 2 thing in 1 time. I don't know others, but as what i had tried before, i found nothing suitable with this. Ni my own pendapat, depends on you yourself, but this what i get. Nak turun berat tp ter'dapat improve alot of masalah kesihatan which is migrain, period pain, sensitive skin, low immunity. Minum shake nak kurus, tapi, kulit getting better :) Sebab our product is a FOOD that full with nutrient that our body needs. So kalau kita bagi badan kita benda sihat, of course la terzahir hingga ke luaran kan. And i do see by myself orang yang da mkn herbalife more than 3 years da cukup lah how they become more healthy and look younger day by day. Last week jumpa blake morgan which is da minum herbalife 30 tahun, subhanallah kulit diaaaaaaaa.. naturally cantik glowing flawless tegang kot!!!! fuh! *lap peluh* and he is a man, handsome man! *malu* 

2 ) where the dream come true
 herbalife sediakan satu platform perniagaan yang tersangat meluas untuk diterokai. i see myself how budak2 umur 18-20an tahun archieve their own dream by their own money in herbalife. Beli kereta sendiri, travel around the world sendiri, bantu family seawal umur awal 20an. It is so amazing what they get in herbalife. And i also have meet myself org2 yang dah berumur, 30an 40an 50an yet 60an yang generate their own outstanding income and archieve their dream one by one in herbalife. In herbalife, its not how old are you but how hardworking you work. Lifestyle yang herbalife bagi sgt2 amazing. TAk yah ckp dream besar2, dream kecik yang nmpk merapu pun jadi realiti in herbalife. Like me, Even nk kurus pun is a dream, so i get it from herbalife, alhamdulillah :) X sangka boleh travel Singapore-Macau-Hongkong without family member with me by own money. Kalau bukan in Herbalife, mustahil kut. :D And banyak lagi la, dari sekecil2 dream sampai sebesar2 dream. Like Fatin, dapat kawin dgn duit herbalife, beli kereta sendiri, support parents. Awesome sgt :')

3 ) Become a better person day by day
kami herbalifer di didik untuk improve diri day by day. Perubahan tu tak terlalu mudah tapi perlu. Kalau dulu aku selalu rasa duduk di takuk yang sama, inspired tgk life orang2 yang keep on maju ke depan tapi xtahu how to become better. Alhamdulillah, dlm herbalife i get it. Herbalife ajar untuk improve diri. Don't compare yourself with others, but compare yourself with your ownself yesterday. Is that you are a better version of you than yesterday? Kalau selama ni, suka melangut habiskan masa depan pc main game, baca gosip, tukar dgn baca artikel ilmiah, personal development, and start sharing pasal herbalife which is good kan. Kalau dulu suka hati bangun lambat, start wake up early, drink shake, spend skit masa baca buku or doing housework. Its better dari duduk ats katil kan :) Kalau dulu, suka lepak kedai mamak, tgk wayang, now all that time spend tolong org jadi sihat, beli makanan kesihatan. Much improve kan. Kalau dulu suka complaint sana sini, benda kecik take it as big sgt, now apa2 pun no problem, think of solution rather than complaint and keep positive. Much happy. Alhamdulillah. Kat workfield tak dapat ni sebab most of the time is negative T_T

4 ) The knowledge is priceless. The personal development is everything.
 Herbalife selalu tekankan training training training. Kami training gain knowledge sampai ke luar negara. Kenapa? Sebab dalam islam sendiri ckp menuntut ilmu lah hingga ke negeri cina sekaligus kerana ilmullah tu sangat meluas :) Di samping keluar menuntut ilmu, travel all around the world lihat ciptaan Allah tu kan bagus, boleh muhasabah diri balik. Mengagumi kebesaran Allah :') Training herbalife selalu bagi knowledge baru even topik selalu sama. Andddddd the best part is, mesti wajib akan ada personal development punya sesi :) First, its for us ourself as coach utk jadi seseorg yg lebih baik hari ke hari in order to reach alots of people outside there and who we become . Second, the knowledge is all for you my dear customer. Kalau x, coach ni cakap kosong je le. We all Professional Herbalife Distributor ni all trained by Herbalife till the scientist pun. Orang lain bayar ribu2 nak dapat pesonal development punya training motivation class, in herbalife we get it all in one masa our training.! Ilmu tu sangatlah berharga. Knowledge and Personal development yang membentuk siapa kita esok hari dan akan dapat tu x dapat masa belajar dlu, masa kerja but i do get it in Herbalife. Syukur. Positive enviroment.

alhamdulillah, so this what im discover so far. More to come with this journey, inshaallah. Pray for me. Lets become a better person day by day. 

Kepada sesiapa yang tak tahu nak isi masa lapang, nak cari extra pocket money buat duit beli top up, or ade own dream yg nak archieve, do contact me thru whatsapp/call/sms - 010-2262446 Free coaching, training provided step by step. Also, sesiapa nak stay healthy and fit, lose weight, improve health, improve energy, improve skin, jangan malu-malu. FREE consultation will be provided :)


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