Tuesday 12 November 2013

Energy with herbalife

Seriously, aku da xlh tipu. It is real. For a month stop minum herbalife atas sebab-sebab yg xdpt dielakkan ( kerana saya manusia biasa ) badan sangat2 senang sakit n penat. Buat kerja sikit da penat, mengah, balik kerja je flat. Sumpah penat sgt! *nangis* sampai ade moment yg sit on sofa and keep thinking - what happen to me? Kenapa lembik sgt bdn. Dlu boleh buat locum with roadshow herbalife lagi and still energetic. Kenapa skrg xlh? Where's my energy ? Sedih je bile fikir T_T

And for a moment, aku ikat perut, jimat sana sini duit yg nak kawen, pejam mata and beli herbalife . And HARI PERTAMA start back program lose weight, what so suprised masa kerja malam plak tu, rasa badan energetic sangatttttttt !!! Even bz segarrr and bertenaga. Laju wt kje. Soooo happy. Balik rumah, talk to my mom, i admit and realized, herbalife really do the best job for my body! Syukur ya allah dgn izinNya , i get back my energy! 

Bukan kata aku bergantung dgn herbalife, tp its real happen to me. Hari2 mkn mcm2, kerja tungkus lumus, what nutrition we give to our body ? Macam xde je kan ? So sad. Bdn makin meningkat tua sejajar dgn umur. Tapi maintainance teruk sungguh. So for me, i choose herbalife for my body maintainance . Everybody have their own way , ade pilih other product and mcm2 cara. I choose herbalife. There's a lot of reason on top of why i choose . 

Up to you what u want to gv to your body, or do to maintain your health. The key is BELIEVE and CONSISTANCE ! 

I am happy being herbalifer. I am glad have herbalife in my life. Alhamdulillah. 

DRAIN ENERGY ? LACK OF NUTRITION? Ask me how 010-226246 sms/whatsapp/call or email me at wahida.herbalife@gmail.com